2017 was a year of tough decisions and transitions, and also a year of experiencing God's love in amazing ways through His community. And even as I look back, one thought that stayed with me through most of the year was a line from the poem 'Only one life t'will soon be past' by C.T. Studd.
'Only one life t'will soon be past, Only what's done for Christ will last!'
And with this thought in mind, here's a simple poem I wrote about the year that was.
Another year gone by,
My mind is flooded with memories.
Some to cherish and some to let go
Laughter, tears, highs and lows.
New friendships made and some hard farewells
Moments of rejoicing and the sound of wedding bells.
Relationships strengthened and seeds of love sown,
I've stumbled, fallen and the grace of God known.
Lessons learned as my faith grew
Some learned willingly, some I cried through.
Learning to let go as choices had to be made
Trusting my good Lord with tiny steps of faith.
But some questions linger in my mind,
When I look back, will I find
Words spoken from a heart filled with God's love
And deeds that glorified my Father above?
Was someone turned away for my comfort and convenience?
Or did my heart respond in obedience to the Spirit's guidance?
And when I stand before my Lord,
will my work be burnt away,
Or will I hear my Saviour say?
'Well done, my daughter, your heart has been true
Your life shows the Spirit dwells in you.
Only one life which soon will pass,
Live not for the moment, but for what will last!'
Photo by Cherry Laithang on Unsplash
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