A Good Father

Adrienn   |   February 9, 2018 


You open your hand;
You satisfy the desire of every living thing. Psalm 145:16

I’ve been a Christ-follower for over 20 years, but getting to know the heart of God has been a slow process for me. Believing and trusting that He is a good Father who knows me, loves me, and cares for me specifically and personally has not come easy. Different experiences in life made me believe that if I don’t fend for myself, no one will look out for my best interest. I learned not to ask for much, not to make a fuss about my own needs and desires, and not to believe that I deserve good things, let alone abundance.

But this is not what a good Father wants His daughter to live like. He doesn’t want me to go through this life making do by the skin of my teeth. He doesn’t want me to think I can only have what I fight and strive for. He doesn’t throw rocks in front of me when I ask for food. And He doesn’t tell me to be quiet and stop wanting more.

This Father with a good heart invites me into relationship with Himself. He calls me daughter, and He looks at me with love and favour. In Christ I am covered in righteousness, and God sees this when He looks at me, and He sees my history, my personality, my dreams, my lacks, my hurts, my talents, my life situations, my fears, my hopes. He sees the girl He chose to create in a way that delighted Him.

I believe that He is ready to give good gifts when I ask, but I do have to do my own part and come to Him with my heart open. Asking requires faith, it requires honesty, vulnerability, and trust. A teacher friend of mine who came to India for a week once told a story that stuck with me. Each day she walked down the same street in the morning, and of course she passed a cow peacefully standing by on her way. She started taking an apple with her and would stop a couple feet away and offer it to the cow. But she only gave it to the animal once it stepped closer to get it. My friend wanted the cow to contribute something to the situation. In a similar way, God waits for us to ask for the desires of our heart with confidence.

His hand is ready to open. His heart is ready to satisfy our desires. He wants His children to live abundant lives. Do I dare believe this? Do I dare express what I need and want, big or small, serious or silly? Can I ask Him for healing? For helping me find ways to use my gifts? For a helpful landlord? For affirmation when I feel like I am not enough and peace when I feel anxious? Can I pray with my daughter for this one girl on her school bus to act kinder? With my son that he and his best friend will be put in the same class next year?

And while all our prayers will not be answered the way we imagine, I want to be confident that God cares, He listens, and He rejoices in us running to Him with all our needs. Just like loving parents want their children to confide in them and share with them their joy, their sadness, and their desires, our heavenly Father longs for us to have a close, honest, trusting relationship with Him. He is eager to provide for us, He loves to satisfy us and it brings Him joy to answer our prayers. So let’s dare run to Him with childlike faith and freedom.



Photo Credit : Unsplash

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Adrienn loves learning about God’s heart, traveling, wading through life with friends, and getting lost in a good book. Scones, family cuddles, and quiet, rainy afternoons make her smile.

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