Decision Making in the Pandemic

Sheena Gershom   |   February 15, 2022 

There was a time in 2020 when I thought the pandemic had given us a much-needed break.

Schools were closed down, exams were cancelled, my sons were overjoyed. My husband started working from home every day and we saw more of each other than we ever had in previous years.

Our social life came to a screeching halt, which meant we spent more time together as a family. (While that is a good thing . . . when you have five very different personalities living under the same roof 24/7, it’s not all sunshine and rainbows!)

We were only a few weeks into the first lockdown when the emotional toll of what we were going through started weighing me down.

Entire families falling sick, businesses closing down, migrants struggling to get back home, intense grief and loss all around . . . the world as we knew it was in chaos. And I ended up having my share of meltdowns.

Eventually, I had to learn what I could control and what I couldn’t. I learnt to ask for help and accept it graciously.

Now that it’s been 2 years since Covid was first detected in India, this has become our new normal - whether we like it or not. So we’ve been praying about what we want our family lifestyle to look like over the next few years.

We’d like our very urban life to be less stressful and more restful, which requires some drastic life changes. But decision-making during a global pandemic is no joke.

Just when we think everything is alright and the world is shifting towards normal again, there comes another variant. As we’re making decisions for the future of our family in these uncertain times, it helps to know there’s a certain Someone we can always count on.

So, here’s what decision-making looks like for us right now:

1. Pray about it

I realize this is a no-brainer but I’m quite guilty of constantly thinking about things rather than praying about them. So, I’m making it a point to pray about our decisions every day – turning my worries and thoughts into petitions urging God to show us what we need to do.

2. Make a pros and cons list

As a teen, this used to be my favourite decision-making tool. While I’ve become more jaded now and I know not all items on the list are of equal value, it still helps me process the different aspects that influence a decision.

3. Wait for clarity

I used to believe peace always accompanies the right decision but that doesn't always happen, especially when God is leading us outside our comfort zones. We might feel restless inside but we'll also have the quiet assurance that this is the path God wants us to take.

4. Do the next right thing

And what happens when we don’t get that clarity (as is often the case)? We keep doing the next right thing in front of us. (Hat tip to Emily P. Freeman’s podcast and book on this topic, both of which I highly recommend.)

Sometimes, all we can do is what God has already given us to do. When I feel it’s time to change trajectory, I take it to the Lord in prayer and tell Him the path I’m leaning towards. And if He doesn’t want me to go there, I know He will direct me back to the path He’s laid out for me.

By nature, I abhor making decisions. With the million choices that we make every day – from what’s for breakfast to what's my life purpose – it’s no wonder many of us struggle with decision fatigue.

I’ve found that a lot of times, this is also fueled by the fear that I may make the wrong decision and irrevocably mess up my life or the future of my loved ones.

I’m learning that God loves me too much to watch me fumble around in the dark. Especially when I’m still reaching out to Him and seeking His will above my own.

We can be mindful of the Holy Spirit and keep an eye out for where He’s leading us. But if we don’t hear His voice or see His guiding light, we can still trust that He’s watching out for us.

As long as He’s reigning on the throne of our lives, we have the confidence that God’s perfect plan will prevail in our lives and He will be glorified.


Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

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Sheena lives in Bangalore with her husband and teen triplets. When she gets a moment's peace, she enjoys reading and journaling. She sporadically documents real-life stories and lessons she's learning from God's Word at

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