Finding the Spiritual in Everyday Life

Ruth Davidar Paul   |   September 27, 2022 

So, full disclosure, this is a very short article that is based on a flash of insight that I had recently. I can’t add any more to it to make it longer - as much as I would love to! It was just that - a flash, a strand of thought, a little oasis of meditative musing in the midst of the daily mundane. Yet there is something to be said for brevity. So, here it is:

A few weeks back, I created an Instagram story for my art account and while looking at the list of folks who had watched it (yes I am that crazy person who checks this!), I saw the name of an artist who I was interested in and wanted to emulate (art and small business-wise). The jolt of recognition and the delight I felt were quite out of proportion I’m sure, but I still felt them. The elation only increased when I saw that the artist had started following my account and had liked a post of mine. What joy and excitement flooded my heart! I felt validated, noticed, recognised, and known.  I felt like I had progressed a hundred steps in my journey as an artist. I felt like I’d achieved a huge milestone. It was a heady emotion.

And then even as I savoured that moment in time, cherishing that instant, I remembered part of Isaiah 43:1:

" . . . I have called you by name, you are Mine."

And it stopped me in my self-congratulatory track.  

Such a simple statement and yet, in the light of my current situation, so profound.

I was already known by Someone greater than the most famous influencer I could think of on social media. Known personally and intimately - by name

I was already recognised by Someone more powerful than the biggest brand ambassador on Instagram.

I was already noticed by a Man who is the greatest creative genius on any platform.

And I was already validated without the need to prove myself to Him.

I was awed as I breathed in this fresh revelation of what it means to be a child of the Most High God. It was a lovely reminder of the warm, comforting love of my Heavenly Father. It reminded me to put the brakes on all my striving; to enjoy being in the presence of the One who hears the song of the morning stars (Job 38:7), yet still chooses to tell me that I am His!

May this truth bring you as much joy and peace as it did me.


Photo by Elia Pellegrini on Unsplash

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Ruth Davidar Paul is a freelance editor, writer, and recently, an artist. She has lived in several cities across India and currently calls Chennai home, where she lives with her husband Abhishek and their children Abigail, Jordan, and Amy. She blogs at and paints @quaintstains on Instagram.

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