My Kitchen, My Cathedral

Shoba Ranjitsingh   |   February 28, 2023 

When I am home, I spend a lot of my time in our kitchen. It has a huge French window which overlooks the lawn, a shady quiet corner of our plot. This L-shaped room has a functional small kitchen on one end and a living space on the other end. The dining space is sandwiched between the two. I set up my laptop to write on the dining room table after breakfast. So, whether I am cooking, drawing or writing, I am here. My husband makes stained glass pieces as a hobby and so our home has many of his specially designed pieces. My kitchen, hence, has become my cathedral. A place of refuge, comfort, healing and solace. And it is here that I talk to God most.

Praying about everything

Paul tells the Philippians in Philippians 4:6 to pray about everything, "do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God."

Years ago when, as a young mother, I lost my mother and mother-in-law in quick succession, I turned to journaling as a form of prayer. Sometimes when I couldn’t write, I just sat on the cold kitchen floor in silence. When cleaning out my garage recently, I came upon one such journal written 20 years back. The things I had worried about then, made me smile now. I could see how God had walked with me through it all. Bedwetting, toilet training, homework, school fees, choice of careers, relationship issues, health struggles…..I had poured out my heart to God.

I was pouring out my heart to God’, says Hannah to Eli.  1 Samuel 1:15b

Recording answers to prayers

The War Room movie taught me to date my prayers and note down answers to prayer. Looking through my recent journals I am thankful to God for being my pillar of cloud, (showing me the direction and giving me purpose) and my pillar of fire (giving me clarity). I see that God’s answers to my prayers were not always ‘yes’. But His ‘yes’, ‘no’ and ‘wait’ always had my best interest at heart. He knew the big picture and I didn’t.

By day the LORD went ahead of them (the Israelites) in a pillar of cloud to guide them on their way and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light.  Exodus 13:21

Walking and talking with God

I love my daily walks. I always find that among the trees and grass, with the birds chirping and seeing the hills beyond, my mind is able to focus on the eternal more than the temporal.

Enoch walked with God; then he was no more because God took him away.  Genesis 5:24

This verse gives me a beautiful picture of two friends, talking, listening, walking in silence, and maybe even stopping to admire something along the way, but always being together.

Thy will be done

Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.  Matthew 6:10

Ending my prayers with these words from the Lord’s prayer is something Jesus taught and modelled for us. It is good for us to end our prayers in an attitude of surrender.

Savior let me walk beside you

Talking, listening all the time

Let me know the strength of walking

In your strength and not in mine. Amen


Photo by Cat Han on Unsplash

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Shoba Ranjitsingh

Shoba Ranjitsingh is an architect, writer and proud mom and grandma. Shoba is a Chennai girl who now lives in New Zealand with her husband Ranjit. She works in a primary school and enjoys leading and writing women's Bible studies, meeting friends for coffee, second-hand books and handmade cards.

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