Author: Maggie

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Maggie  |  September 13, 2017
I have been in a state of survival for years now. Every time I start to get things under control (which is really an illusion, by the way) something upends...
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Maggie  |  May 15, 2017
"Truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds." John...
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Maggie  |  March 15, 2017
When we first moved to India, I read a book that said something to this effect: Anything you say about India that is true, the opposite can also be true.*...
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Maggie  |  January 23, 2017
Even The Grinch Who Stole Christmas knows the power of a song.  For the Grinch, the quiet song of the Whos on Christmas morning reminded him of a deep, profound...
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Maggie  |  October 19, 2016
  When I was seven years old, my second grade class hosted a Mother’s Day Tea. For the event, everyone wrote a brief report to tell the audience about their...
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Maggie  |  August 24, 2016
Everyone said it would be over in the blink of an eye: this insane, hard, glorious season of having little ones. Little ones are everywhere—underfoot in the kitchen, in the...
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Maggie  |  April 20, 2016
Summer in our South Indian city is no small production. Despite the oppressive heat this year, the trees everywhere are bursting with blooms and their colorful petals carpet the streets...
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Maggie  |  January 19, 2016
As is the practice with some of us at the start of each year, I began my Read-the-Bible-in-a-Year program this January 1, 2016. One week into the year I am...
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