Pauline | December 5, 2019
The stores have had their Christmas decorations up since mid-November. Each year, the big electronics store across the street from our apartment complex blasts Christmas pop music for well over...
Continue ReadingPauline | September 5, 2019
Do you have a favourite quote on love? As a teenager who had absolutely no idea about love, my favourite quote was - ‘Love means never having to say you’re...
Continue ReadingPauline | May 28, 2019
I grew up in a church community that I was a part of, not by choice, but because my family was part of it. I think it is true of...
Continue ReadingPauline | February 8, 2019
He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose. Jim Elliot I’ve been studying the gospels over the past few months...
Continue ReadingPauline | September 24, 2018
The other day, I was watching 'My Big Fat Greek Wedding’ with my husband, and I must confess, I haven’t laughed that hard while watching a movie in a...
Continue ReadingPauline | May 18, 2018
When I think of relaxation, one of the things that pop into my mind is reading a murder mystery or suspense thriller. Once I start a book from this genre,...
Continue ReadingPauline | February 23, 2018
Have you ever struggled with fear or lack of confidence in what the Lord is asking you to do? Have you ever been overwhelmed by the responsibilities you have...
Continue ReadingPauline | January 23, 2018
2017 was a year of tough decisions and transitions, and also a year of experiencing God's love in amazing ways through His community. And even as I look back, one...
Continue ReadingPauline | September 25, 2017
The other day, as we were driving to a friend's house for dinner, our car began to overheat. This is our first car and with our limited knowledge about cars,...
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