Author: Ruth Davidar Paul

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Ruth Davidar Paul  |  May 5, 2020
If you’re going to talk about a life-changing moment, this would have to be it. This right here, living through a lockdown while a pandemic ravages nations globally. It wouldn’t...
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Ruth Davidar Paul  |  March 17, 2020
  “Some people are so heavenly minded that they are no earthly good.” Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr. I read this quote when I was in my early twenties and it...
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Ruth Davidar Paul  |  February 18, 2020
After marriage, one generally discovers new aspects of one’s spouse. Some are positive, others negative, and still others darn right peculiar! The trick is to learn what to alter and...
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Ruth Davidar Paul  |  January 7, 2020
Life is an oxymoron. Or, to be more precise, the Christian life is an oxymoron. This is something that I’ve had to learn, sometimes the hard way. And I can’t...
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Ruth Davidar Paul  |  November 21, 2019
Mission-mindedness. I have to confess that I am not the most mission-minded person on the planet. Honestly, it is not something that comes naturally to me. I have always been...
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Ruth Davidar Paul  |  October 9, 2019
Waiting. Now that’s a word I never like to hear. I wish that seasons of waiting were never something God placed in my life. Yet, inevitably, they arrive willy-nilly, more...
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Ruth Davidar Paul  |  September 10, 2019
Love – poets have written about it, musicians have sung about it, and artists have painted about it. The emotion has been well documented, researched, examined, experienced and yet, humankind...
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Ruth Davidar Paul  |  August 7, 2019
“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me...
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Ruth Davidar Paul  |  May 7, 2019
Church has always been a part of my life. Ever since I can remember, I’ve gone to a church. Attending church was ingrained into us (my sister and I) as...
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