Ruth Davidar Paul | February 6, 2017
Relationships are thorny, prickly things. You find yourself coasting along, fairly smoothly for a while, when out of nowhere, a speed-bump appears, throwing you off balance. Tempers fray, words are...
Continue ReadingRuth Davidar Paul | January 9, 2017
At the risk of sounding like a broken record, this last year has been nothing if not interesting. Though there were tough days, there were some beautiful truths that gleamed...
Continue ReadingRuth Davidar Paul | December 5, 2016
I can't believe we're in the final month of 2016 already! This year seems to have sped by in a blur. As I look back to where it began, I...
Continue ReadingRuth Davidar Paul | October 31, 2016
Parenting is an “interesting” journey. And I mean that in the most ironic sense of the term. Every few months, something new needs to be handled. It's never a smooth...
Continue ReadingRuth Davidar Paul | September 23, 2016
I was nervous that morning. It was our first Sunday service at our old church after being away for more than a year. So much had happened since we'd been...
Continue ReadingRuth Davidar Paul | August 10, 2016
Seasons come, seasons go. Change is incessant. The only unchanging thing in life is change itself. They may seem like trite, clichéd statements, but over these past few months, they...
Continue ReadingRuth Davidar Paul | May 18, 2016
“God hides His most precious treasures in our most difficult and painful experiences.” -Jon Bloom The past few months have been a time of learning and re-learning spiritual lessons. It...
Continue ReadingRuth Davidar Paul | April 6, 2016
The other day my two-year-old handed me her crayons and asked me to colour the picture she held in her grubby fist. It was a nondescript image – of a...
Continue ReadingRuth Davidar Paul | March 14, 2016
When this year began, the word I received from God was Jeremiah 9:24 “But let him who glories, glory in this. That he understands and knows Me . . ....
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