Author: Ruth Davidar Paul

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Ruth Davidar Paul  |  February 17, 2016
By the time you read this post, my husband and I would have completed seven years of wedded bliss. On the 17th of February 2009, we pledged our lives to...
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Ruth Davidar Paul  |  January 11, 2016
On the first day of this year, I sat down with Bible and pen, doggedly waiting, albeit a little desperately, for God to give me a goal for the new...
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Ruth Davidar Paul  |  December 11, 2015
This has been a particularly difficult season for me personally. There have been dark and weary days. Days that seemed to stretch into weeks and months with no hope and...
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Ruth Davidar Paul  |  November 9, 2015
Loneliness – it is such a desolate word. So stark, cold and comfortless. A state of solitariness that hints at a deeper aloneness, where you feel completely bereft and friendless....
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Ruth Davidar Paul  |  October 12, 2015
I read this verse this morning: “Do not let your adornment be merely outward — arranging the hair, wearing gold, or putting on fine apparel — rather let it be...
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Ruth Davidar Paul  |  September 10, 2015
The UN says that the current global refugee crisis is the worst since World War II. These past few days have been a wake-up call. The recent news stories about...
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Ruth Davidar Paul  |  August 10, 2015
It's been almost two months since we moved cities. This would make it my seventh city in about 32 odd years. Living in so many different places has taught me to...
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Ruth Davidar Paul  |  June 5, 2015
What do you do when two people you love are fighting with each other? You have a ringside view to a sparring match of epic proportions. In this fight there...
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Ruth Davidar Paul  |  May 12, 2015
“Better to live on the corner of a roof than to share a house with a nagging wife.” Proverbs 25:24 I don't think any of us would consider ourselves to...
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