Have you ever felt incompetent about a task at hand or a role you have? Worried about a new season in life? Anxious about an unexpected change? You are in...
Friendships have never come easily to me, especially when I was young. I was a shy kid, too scared to initiate a conversation. So, my strategy has always been to...
There’s a joke circulating on Instagram that goes something like this: “Do you know one of Jesus’ greatest miracles that no one ever talks about? . . He had 12...
Am I a narcissist? Is my spouse a narcissist? It's a tricky question to answer gently. My instinctive response leans towards acknowledging Dr. Tim Keller's observation on our unawareness of...
As a child, 'Daffodils' held a special place within the pages of my school poetry textbook - Panorama: A Selection of Poems. That book introduced me to poetry, and that...
“Sometimes God allows what He hates to accomplish what He loves.” Those compelling words were shared by a woman who plummeted to the depths of suffering. Yet she did not...
I am an external processor, and this sometimes frustrates my husband. He is the opposite. God has given these different styles within marriage and friendships to encourage one another. There...
The run-up to the Resurrection Day (Easter) is quite dramatic. Several denominations sincerely observe the period of Lent. The crescendo rises with the celebration of the Palm Sunday of the...